Directions to Chicago Cultural Center
GRAND PRIZE: The winner* of the 3x3x3 speed solve competition wins an all expenses paid trip to the 2007 World Rubik's Cube Championship in Budapest!
*Contest open to all. Winning Moves will sponsor the U.S. Competitor with the best average time in the 3x3x3 final round to represent the U.S. at the 2007 World Championship in Budapest.
Randolph Cafe Chicago Cultural Center
77 E. Randolph Street Chicago, Illinois (312) 744-6630
June 16-17, 2007
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Dear Puzzle Enthusiast and Competitor, I would like to welcome you to the U.S. Open 2007 Rubik's Cube Competition.
Please be aware of all regulations set forth by the World Cube Association. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact a board member of the World Cube Association or a member of the Caltech Rubik’s Cube Club.
Events for this competition are listed below:
Main Events:
- 3x3x3 Speed Solve
- 3x3x3 One-Handed Speed Solve
- 3x3x3 Blindfold Solve
- 4x4x4 Speed Solve
- 5x5x5 Speed Solve
- 2x2x2 Speed Solve
Side Events:
- Square-1
- Magic
- Master Magic
- 3x3x3 Fewest Moves
- Pyraminx
- Clock
Note: For the main 3x3x3 Speed Solve event, if competitors in the first round do not qualify with a single solve under 24.00 seconds, they compete in the separate consolation round (see schedule below).
Thank you and we hope to see you in Chicago!
Dan Lo, Organizer
Hotel accomodations: The Congress Plaza Hotel 520 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL
SPECIAL EVENT After day one of the competition: Saturday, June 16 7pm - 9pm Cubing apperance at Gamers Paradise. Everyone welcome. Just cubers racing and showing off. Stackmats will be present.
Gamers Paradise Water Tower Place 835 N. Michigan Ave Chicago, IL (312) 587-0077
Detailed Schedule of Events
Saturday, June 16 - Qualification Rounds
10:00 AM Registration 3x3x3 First Round (Best of 3, < 24.00 to qualify)
12:00 PM 2x2x2 First Round (Best of 3, < 12.00 to qualify)
12:30 PM Lunch
1:00 PM 3x3x3 OH First Round (Best of 2, < 40.00 to qualify)
2:00 PM 3x3x3 BLD Qualification Round (Best of 2, < 210.00 to qualify) < 210.00 WCA recognized time earns automatic qualification Competitor that qualifies with WCA recognized time and competes in this round must qualify within the round.
3:00 PM 3x3x3 Consolation Final Round (Average of 5)
4:30 PM 4x4x4 First Round (best of 2, < 90.00 to qualify)
5:30 PM 5x5x5 First Round (best of 2, < 180.00 to qualify)
7:00 PM In-Store Cubing at Gamers Paradise
Side Events: 10am - 11am master magic (average of 5) 11am - 12pm fewest moves 12pm - 1pm multiple cube bld 1pm - 2pm magic (average of 5) 2pm - 3pm pyraminx (average of 5) 3pm - 4pm square 1 (mean of 3) 4pm - 5pm clock (mean of 3)
Sunday, June 17 - Finals If you didn't qualify for the finals, be sure to sign up and participate in one of our mystery events! Mystery events and challenges will be run between events as time permits.
9:00 AM Registration
10:00 AM 2x2x2 Final Round (average of 5)
10:45 AM 5x5x5 Final Round (average of 5)
11:30 AM 3x3x3 Semi-Final Round (average of 5, top 12 advance)
12:30 PM Lunch
1:00 PM 3x3x3 OH Final Round (average of 5)
1:45 PM 3x3x3 BLD Final Round (best of 3)
2:30 PM 4x4x4 Final Round (average of 5)
3:30 PM 3x3x3 Final Round (average of 5)
4:30 PM Awards
Rubik's U.S. Open 2007 is part of Art of Play, the citywide summer celebration of toys, games and the spirit of play from June 1 through September 30. For details, call 1.877.CHICAGO (1.877.244.2246 toll-free) or visit ArtofPlayChicago.com. The TTY toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1.866.710.0294.

 Ryan Patricio, Winner 3x3x3 Speed Solve 14.92 seconds average

Visit www.speedcubing.com for current rankings

Articles: Blog Entry by Steve Spears